Inverted Nipples May Not Always Be Inverted
Inverted nipples have their inversion rated on a 3-point scale ranging from 1 to 3, with 3 indicating a nipple that never protrudes. Even if you would land on a 1 on this scale, you could benefit from inverted nipple surgery. Some factors that may impact your nipple protrusion can be cold or direct stimulation if you are not a 3 on the nipple inversion scale.
Inverted Nipples Typically Do Not Cause Any Medical Issues
Inverted nipples rarely have an effect that is physical or causes any discomfort. Breastfeeding is done typically without any known issues. The only issue that some may have with inverted nipples is the aesthetic of the breast because of their relatively unconventional look.
Sudden Nipple Inversion Can Be A Sign Of Medical Issues
Generally, inverted nipples pose no health risks nor are signs of medical maladies, if they are from a genetic cause or if you were born with them. However, in the case of sudden or late onset inverted nipples, be sure to talk to your doctor as this can be a sign of illness or disease within the breast, such as cancer.
Come Into Cosmetic And Reconstructive Specialists Of Florida To Learn More
If you’re ready to learn more or are ready to have a consultation with our team to understand and plan a way to address your inverted nipples, give us a call at 954-533-8029!