
Renew Your Confidence With Breast Reconstruction Surgery

girl in beige bra perfect shape form line curves chest raising hands up Beating cancer is a momentous occasion. Treatments like chemo and radiation are in the past. Now it’s time to start looking to the future, but some women may feel less confident about their body image. Having a mastectomy or lumpectomy is a life-saving procedure, but the surgery also removes both or one breast. As part of the recovery process, many women turn to breast reconstruction surgery.

Why Choose to Undergo Breast Reconstruction Surgery?

A woman’s breasts are a symbol of her femininity and some women do not feel whole without their breasts. They can experience feelings of low self-confidence and even depression. Creating new breasts does more than improve body image, it boosts confidence.

Surviving cancer is more than becoming physically healthy, it’s also a mental journey, and breast reconstruction surgery is often part of the healing and recovery process.

Women considering breast reconstruction surgery need to keep their expectations realistic. Your new breasts will look natural under clothing. However, it’s important to realize the new breasts will feel and look a little different than unoperated ones.

What is Breast Reconstruction Surgery?

Breast reconstruction surgery is a procedure that rebuilds the shape and appearance of breasts after a lumpectomy or mastectomy.

The surgery is typically performed in stages and can be autologous or implant-based. Autologous reconstruction uses tissue harvested from other parts of the body to create natural-looking breasts. Implant-based procedures use implants to rebuild the breast. During your consultation with the professionals at Cosmetic and Reconstruction Specialists of Florida, you can discuss your options.

Some women choose to undergo breast reconstruction surgery immediately after finishing their cancer treatment. You are a good candidate for the procedure if your wounds from the mastectomy or lumpectomy are fully healed and you do not have any additional underlying risk factors.

Contact Cosmetic and Reconstructive Specialists of Florida

When you are ready to rebuild your breasts after cancer, contact the professionals at Cosmetic and Reconstructive Specialists of Florida. You can schedule your consultation online or call their Florida office at 954-533-8029.

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